Trailblazer Award

The Trailblazer Award is given to one instructor per year per Pentucket school. Teachers can be nominated by anyone – parents, students, other staff and faculty or community members at large. 

Is there a Pentucket teacher in your life you'd like to nominate?  

If so please download the Trailblazer Award form below and send it back to the PEF.  Applications will be accepted until March 22nd and winners will be announced at the Celebration of Education Event, Thursday, April 8th at 7:00 pm.  More details to follow about this wonderful evening event!

Past Winners


Pentucket Regional High School: Ms. Lee Lentz

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Mr. Matthey DeCoste

Bagnall School: Ms. Nancy Finegan

Donaghue/Sweetsir School: Ms. Amy Fletcher

Page School: Ms. Kelly Beaton


Pentucket Regional High School: Ms. Cynthia Cromwell

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Ms. Cheryl Martin

Bagnall School: Ms. Cathy Bevelacqua

Donaghue/Sweetsir School: Ms. Robin Nightingale

Page School: Ms. Erica Wentworth


Pentucket Regional High School: Ms. Marcia Nadeau

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Ms. Megan Goldweber

Bagnall School: Mr. Jim Day

Donaghue/Sweetsir School: Ms. Leigh Curtis-Pare

Page School: Ms. Krystelle Griskiewicz


Pentucket Regional High School: Ms. Melissa Sessions

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Mr. Anthony Beatrice

Bagnall School: Ms. Julie Regan

Donaghue: Ms. Susan Simmons

Page School: Mr. John Peterson

Sweetsir School: Ms. Kate Carroll


Pentucket Regional High School: Mr. John Siegfried

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Mr. Leo Parent

Bagnall School: Ms. Maria Gray

Donaghue/Sweetsir School: Ms. Lynette Provencal

Page School: Ms. Krista Niles


Pentucket Regional High School: Mr. Rich Harty

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Mr. Dan Leonard

Bagnall School: Ms. Claire Buell

Donaghue/Sweetsir School: Ms. Amy Beaton

Page School: Ms. Kate Wood


Pentucket Regional High School: Ms. Rachael Costello

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Ms. Janine Goldstein

Bagnall School: Ms. Hilary Seager

Donaghue: Ms. Dawn Ackerman

Page School: Mr. John Benvenuti

Sweetsir School: Ms. Diane Milewski


Pentucket Regional High School: Mr. Robert Ruland

Pentucket Regional Middle School: Mr. Richard Gilmore

Bagnall School: Ms. Karen Medley

Donaghue: Ms. Kathleen Ticeiro

Page School: Mr. Cathy Madden

Sweetsir School: Ms. Tracy McCarthy