Page School STEM Grows Stronger with PEF grant
The infrastructure in the Page School science lab was not up to modern standards. Existing equipment had grown worn, and the lab lacked up to date technology. If the STEM team could secure a grant from the PEF, they would be able to modernize the lab.
The STEM team successfully applied for a PEF grant and received $25,000 to upgrade the science lab. The team used the money to purchase chemical resistant tables, a wall service bench, lab-ware kits, chemistry sets, safety goggles, magnifying glasses and a flex cam, which is a high-definition digital document camera that projects live interactive images directly onto the SMART Board.
“The advantages to having a state-of-the-art science lab are immeasurable. The new lab has provided students with an environment for higher-level scientific thinking, and place to actively engage in thoughtful, hands-on learning.”
The updated science lab provides students with a safe environment to conduct hands-on investigations through laboratory experimentation. Students design investigations, conduct experiments, record and analyze data, and discuss results. The new equipment enables them to deepen their scientific skills and knowledge.