Bagnall Upgrades STEM Lab with PEF Grant


As with the other STEM labs in the district, Bagnall’s lab had fallen behind the times and needed a significant upgrade.  The school joined forces with the other elementary schools in the district to request a grant from PEF to overhaul their STEM labs.


The PEF issued a $25,000 grant to Bagnall, which the school used to upgrade its STEM lab, including the purchase of iPads and a subscription to Discovery Education and Discovery Techbooks.


The iPads have enabled fifth and six grade teachers to dramatically improve both math and science curriculum. Students now have the opportunity to use technology while engaging in interactive science labs and lessons. Students can access a much broader variety of content through Discovery Techbooks, which, as digital textbooks, never fall out of date the way traditional textbooks do.  The Discovery Techbooks also provide interactive lessons that actively engage students so they can explore a broader range of topics in greater depth. In addition, the school-wide subscription to Discovery Streaming has provided a variety of resources to use in classrooms to enhance learning.

“The stuff we can do with these things is awesome,” said one student at Bagnall. “I never knew all of this information was out there and it kind of makes learning fun!”